Thursday, October 31, 2013

Speak Final Assessment

Speak Final Assessment

Response 1: Trust me, there are many times where i have to say something that is the opposite of what i really want to say. Most of them are with my family of course. Like, one of the worst ones was when i was discussing with my mother about my grades. I was doing really bad in one of my favorite classes. My mom said i was missing a lot of assignments in that class and i said that i wasn’t. I knew i had turned them in but my mom didn’t believe me. She always trusted what the website said over me. I was really angry. I wanted to tell her that sometimes teachers make mistakes or are slow when they put up grades on the website but i knew that arguing with her would just make it worse than it already was. So what i did was i just nodded my head and ill talk to her tomorrow When i went against my inner voice it just made me get angry. Angry because i couldn’t speak up about how i really felt. But i had to do it or else i would just feel more guilt than anger about fighting with my mom.

Response 2: Sometimes i speak what's really on my mind. Whenever i do i feel really proud of myself when i do. For example in my math class i was sitting there listening to my teacher when he called on my brother to come up and solve the question he put on the overhead. So he went up and made a really stupid mistake but because it was so early in the morning he didn’t notice and kept on going. I started hearing whispering about that mistake from the people around me and eventually it turned into laughing. At this point he was already sitting down and people were laughing at him. I was so angry that people would do this. My brother also encouraged me to stand up for him because i knew he would do the same for me. I pretty much told them to stop and after a couple failed attempts they finally listened. It felt great that i stood up for him.

Response 3: During speak Melinda suppresses her inner voice a lot. It makes her shy, hateful, and she always pushes people away. Luckily she makes friends with heather on the first day of school. She isn’t hateful, or shy on the inside. Its just that she doesn’t want to have any sort of interaction with anyone in that school except her Art teacher Mr.Freeman. Her main problem in the story is the fact that everyone in the school already hates her even though none of them even know her on a personal level. THe worst part that makes her who she is in the story is that her best friend is dating the man who raped her at the party and she doesn’t have enough courage to speak up.

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